Protect the Internet
Mutually Agreed Norms for Routing Security (MANRS) is a global initiative that helps reduce the most common routing threats.

The Latest
Updates from the MANRS+ Working Group
The MANRS+ Working Group is excited to share the latest developments in its efforts to explore a second, elevated tier of MANRS participation for organizations that comply with more stringent requirements and auditing. The working group is tasked with developing the requirements for MANRS+. Introducing the Latest Version of the Control Matrix One of the […]
Year to Year Growth of the distributed RPKI database
Evolving MANRS by Formalizing a MANRS Development Process
Why Join MANRS?
Every day, routing security incidents affect the Internet and the organizations and people that rely on it. MANRS sets security norms to reduce those incidents.
Participants across four programs

Improve security by preventing attacks and accidents

Join a community committed to a more robust and secure Internet

Lead the industry by inspiring and encouraging other operators
The Observatory
The MANRS Observatory monitors the state of Internet routing security. It aggregates data from multiple sources and projects to help network operators improve the security of their networks. See how your network is doing.
Routing Information (IRR)
Routing Information (RPKI)
Connecticut Education Network originated as a research & education network and now functions as a Tier 2 ISP for multiple industry verticals. Responsible safeguards on the signaling plane ensure we're not contributing to the spoofing/hijacking problem, and membership in MANRS reflect our commitment to making the Internet a better place for our members and their constituents.
For Arista, security is a key attribute of our overall solution, starting at the routing perimeter for worldwide Internet resiliency. As a global industry leader in cloud networking, we want to take part in the efforts to secure the Internet as well. MANRS is providing great guidelines to achieve that goal and Arista Networks is proud to be a founding participant of the MANRS Vendor Program.
Senior Vice President, Customer Engineering for Arista NetworksAs my organization running the ccTLD (.sd and .سودان) which considered as critical services, we decided to join MANRS to guarantee the security of the internet and reduce the possibility to hijack our network resources. by joining this initiative it can be as an example to advocate and promote MANRS between the local ISPs, network operators.
We strongly support MANRS precisely because its aims are converging with those we have been pursuing for years. This means that no change to our policies was necessary with our joining MANRS. We are glad that MANRS has come to light and we will do our best to support MANRS and its goals.
CEO FASTNETWe believe the security, stability, and resiliency of the Internet operation can be improved via distributed and shared responsibilities as documented in MANRS. As one of the largest academic networks in the world, CERNET is committed to the MANRS actions.
Deputy Director, CERNETRouting security is crucial to Internet security, and that includes network devices (e.g., routers and IXP switches), the foundation of the Internet. Over the years, Huawei has dedicated itself to building secure and reliable network devices and has extensive capabilities and experience in the field. Huawei is honored to join MANRS as an active contributor to Internet security.
President of Metro Router domain of Data Communication Product LineWorkonline implements the recommendations contained in the MANRS document by default. By publicly stating the measures that we take to ensure the robustness of our network, we hope to encourage our customers and peers to do the same.
Director - Network Operations & Strategy, Workonline Communications (Pty) LtdiWayAfrica Kenya believes that the MANRS project is critical in today's global Internet ecosystem, and want to play our part in making the Internet routing security landscape better for all.
As the provider of a network that connects NZ's researchers, educators, and students to the rest of the world, REANNZ has always taken the security and stability of our members’ networks seriously. MANRS’ pragmatic and straightforward framework for implementing best practice routing security reflects and expands upon our own efforts in this area. We support this initiative and encourage wider adoption of it throughout the Internet community for the benefit of all.
As part of APNIC’s Vision: A global, open, stable, and secure Internet that serves the entire Asia Pacific community, APNIC would like to join the Internet Society’s MANRS initiative to support and contribute to reduce the most common routing threats. APNIC works extensively to assist our Members with improving their routing security to ensure the Internet is secure and safe to use.
APNICMaking the Internet a safer place than it is today is a goal shared by many participants of the industry. We at LU-CIX try to help wherever we can, and certainly would like to add our own homework to the goal. Therefore we think that MANRS is a very worthwhile initiative that brings together in one set of guidance rules many of the industry best practices, and also allows us to publicly show our support for a safer Internet.
CIO, LU-CIX Management G.I.E.We at Brphonia understand and contribute to the dissemination of good practices, which makes the internet safer for us and our customers. Given this importance, we join the MANRS partners.
Network Analyst