Protect the Internet
Mutually Agreed Norms for Routing Security (MANRS) is a global initiative that helps reduce the most common routing threats.
The Latest
Evolving MANRS by Formalizing a MANRS Development Process
[Tony Tauber is the Chair of the MANRS Steering Committee.] MANRS began as a small group of network operators discussing a minimum set of best practices that could be widely implemented to improve routing security for the entire Internet. In the decade since, it has grown into the powerhouse community we know today, adding programs […]
MANRS Welcomes Three New Steering Committee Members
Meet the 2024 MANRS Steering Committee Candidates!
Why Join MANRS?
Every day, routing security incidents affect the Internet and the organizations and people that rely on it. MANRS sets security norms to reduce those incidents.
Participants across four programs
Improve security by preventing attacks and accidents
Join a community committed to a more robust and secure Internet
Lead the industry by inspiring and encouraging other operators
The Observatory
The MANRS Observatory monitors the state of Internet routing security. It aggregates data from multiple sources and projects to help network operators improve the security of their networks. See how your network is doing.
Routing Information (IRR)
Routing Information (RPKI)
We agree with the underlying principles of the MANRS initiative and in practice we have always ensured our network complies with the requirements it outlines. A number of recent high-profile cases have reaffirmed the need for such processes and we look forward to the wider adoption of these practices.
Technical Director, Custodian DC Ltd.Sam Online has endeavored to keep up a safe and flexible network, conveying the most refreshed prescribed procedures and, as a National ISP Network, spreading them to its clients so as to get from them a dedication of sending these accepted procedures in their systems also. Holding fast to MANRS activity fortifies this position.
Mantener el internet y la red segura con las mejores prácticas entre los pares, es sumamente importante y brinda un alivio a nuestros cliente y asociados que se mantienen políticas de seguridad en nuestra red con la comunidad de MANRS.
MANRS represents the future of Internet routing security. Network operators in the MANRS community are pioneers, making global routing infrastructure as robust and secure as possible, through innovation and investment. As a leading global communications and network service provider, China Telecom (Americas) has been collaborating with the MANRS team since early 2019 to implement the best routing security standards on all of our major Internet networks. Today, we are excited to be count ourselves as a MANRS participant, and hopefully inspire more large-scale network operators to join our ranks.
Vice President, China Telecom Americas CorporationBeing MANRS compliant not only improves our routing security capabilities, but has the potential to help other networks to improve theirs and is an opportunity for Akamai to make a significant contribution to the improvement of global routing security.
Connecticut Education Network originated as a research & education network and now functions as a Tier 2 ISP for multiple industry verticals. Responsible safeguards on the signaling plane ensure we're not contributing to the spoofing/hijacking problem, and membership in MANRS reflect our commitment to making the Internet a better place for our members and their constituents.
The MANRS IXP Initiative brings together in one place, in an easy to access form, all of the relevant information on routing security best practice for our members. We incorporate the MANRS material into our training courses and guidance, to provide our members with a consistent approach to routing security and BGP policy best practice.
Senior Network Engineer, LONAPAs the provider of a network that connects NZ's researchers, educators, and students to the rest of the world, REANNZ has always taken the security and stability of our members’ networks seriously. MANRS’ pragmatic and straightforward framework for implementing best practice routing security reflects and expands upon our own efforts in this area. We support this initiative and encourage wider adoption of it throughout the Internet community for the benefit of all.
We strongly support MANRS precisely because its aims are converging with those we have been pursuing for years. This means that no change to our policies was necessary with our joining MANRS. We are glad that MANRS has come to light and we will do our best to support MANRS and its goals.
CEO FASTNETTier4 Services adapted a clearly defined mission: to uphold the tough standards of high-speed communication via the Internet every minute of the day and provide secure communications. MANRS is a great initiative to help to improve the standards on a global scale and make the Internet more secure.
As my organization running the ccTLD (.sd and .سودان) which considered as critical services, we decided to join MANRS to guarantee the security of the internet and reduce the possibility to hijack our network resources. by joining this initiative it can be as an example to advocate and promote MANRS between the local ISPs, network operators.
Since its beginnings, RedIRIS has striven to maintain a secure and resilient network, deploying the most updated best practices and, as a National R&E Network, disseminating them to its customers in order to get from them a commitment of deploying these best practices in their networks as well. Adhering to MANRS initiative reinforces this position.