Discussing the Routing Resilience Manifesto and MANRS at APRICOT 2015

Since then, of course, we successfully launched this initiative (in November 2014) with nine network operators signing on to the recommended actions outlined in “MANRS,” for Mutually Agreed Norms for Routing Security on day one. That list has now grown now to almost 20 operators.
Twenty network operators may sound small compared to almost 50,000 ASes advertised on the Internet. But Rome wasn’t built in a day, either.
In fact, we are not looking to sign up as many operators as possible (at least not at this stage). What we are aiming at is anchoring this initiative in regions and economies so it gains recognition and local operational communities can understand and get on board with the effort’s objectives.
We are looking for leaders, the network operators who take security and resilience seriously and have already implemented the Actions outlined in MANRS, and probably many more. We are looking for leaders whose reputation will motivate others to step up and do the same.
I know that many such leading operators are planning to attend APRICOT 2015. I’ll be there, too, presenting MANRS at the Peering Forum on 3 March and the APCERT session on 4 March. But I am also looking forward to meeting with you in person and hearing your feedback and answering your questions about this initiative.
It is easy to find me – please drop me a message and we’ll work something out.
See you in Fukuoka!
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