Network Operators: What Are Your Routing Security Plans?
Calling all network operators! Are you implementing routing security measures, or do you plan to in the near future? Our partners at the Global Cyber Alliance have launched a survey to learn more about the current state of implementation, the level of concern within network operations and business decision making, and any plans for next steps.
If you’re reading this on the MANRS website, perhaps you’re already a participant and are completely up to speed on all things routing security. Great! Your feedback about what you’re doing to help us all is really important, and we want to hear it.
What about your peers? Your upstream and downstream customers? Are they taking action to improve global routing? Please share this survey link and encourage them to take it so that we can learn more about the roadblocks and pitfalls to routing security.
Armed with information about the current state of affairs, the Global Cyber Alliance and the MANRS team can help educate, inform, and advocate for wider implementation of the MANRS actions and, in turn, a better Internet for us all.
The survey is a mix of multiple choice and open-ended questions where the more information you can provide, the better. GCA is also encouraging, but not requiring, contact information so they can follow-up with you on your answers.
Read GCA’s full blog post here and then take the survey.
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