The White House’s Roadmap to Enhancing Routing Security

ONCD Roadmap to Enhancing Routing Security Cover

Last week the White House’s Office of the National Cyber Director released the White House’s Roadmap to Enhancing Routing Security. This is another important step to strengthening the Internet’s routing system in the United States. The US still lags behind the rest of the world in implementing RPKI-based routing security approaches, and improvement within the US would have global effects on the Internet. 

The Internet Society has written an excellent overview of the White House Roadmap.

The Roadmap also hit the news in 20+ media outlets, including:

We’re pleased to see the US government continuing to raise awareness about the need for routing security and taking steps to motivate action. But there is still much more that needs to be done.

If you’re new to routing security and/or MANRS, a reminder that we have many resources to help, from introductory explanations to detailed technical implementation guides. We’ve got you covered! 

If there’s something you’re looking for that you can’t find, you can always contact us

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