Kathleen Moriarty
Nominee Details
Name: Kathleen Moriarty
Position: Chief Technology Officer
Organization: Center for Internet Security
MANRS participant (Y/N): No

Biographical Information
Kathleen Moriarty, Chief Technology Officer, Center for Internet Security has over two decades of experience. Formerly as the Security Innovations Principal in Dell Technologies Office of the CTO, Kathleen worked on ecosystems, standards, and strategy. During her tenure in the Dell EMC Office of the CTO, Kathleen had the honor of being appointed and serving two terms as the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Security Area Director and as a member of the Internet Engineering Steering Group from March 2014-2018. Named in CyberSecurity Ventures, Top 100 Women Fighting Cybercrime. She is a 2020 Tropaia Award Winner, Outstanding Faculty, Georgetown SCS.
Nominee Statement
The missions of MANRS and Center for Internet Security (CIS), where I am Chief Technology Officer, to improve resiliency of the global Internet and to create confidence in the connected world align with my own thinking on the best path to reduce the attack surface and threats faced by organizations of all sizes. I am excited by the opportunity to expand work with similarly passionate people through MANRS, raising the baseline for security and shifting expectations for how security is architected, delivered, and managed. A universal application of best practices with built-in security benefits organizations of all sizes.
Working in and with the service provider community has been a theme throughout my career for a reason. This work began over 25 years ago at the first commercial service provider PSINet, and has continued by serving as an IETF Security Area Director and on the Internet Engineer Steering Group, working with service providers documenting the impact of ubiquitous encryption [RFC8404], and writing a book on how we transform security to improve scale and accessibility.
I am excited by the opportunity to work with similarly passionate people, expanding the set of expected norms for security and resiliency, driving change.
Nominated by: Simon Baroi (Fiber At Home)