Meet 2020 MANRS Ambassadors
2020 Research Ambassador

Boris Mimeur is the Vice-President of Engineering Operations at CENGN, a commercialization accelerator based in Canada, where he leads a set of teams developing a secure hybrid cloud platform enabling test and validation for new products and technologies. He has over 20 years of experience in the areas of high-end networking and security having worked for an extensive list of companies such as; Cable & Wireless Communications, COLT, DANTE (operating the GÉANT network), IXIA Europe Limited, and Cisco Systems. Boris has held the technical lead position on several critical projects throughout his career from Advanced Services to Sales as well as product development. In the last two years, Boris has provided support to the promotion of security in BGP routing through partnership with multiple Canadian Telecom Service Providers while contributing to the development of the IXP/CXP for the Ottawa Gatineau region (OGIX). With his keen passion in industry development, robust technical background, and mentorship nature, Boris confirms his commitment to bettering the security on the Internet as a MANRS ambassador.
2020 Virtual/Online Training Ambassadors

Anirban Datta is working for an IIG (International Internet Gateway) & ITC (International Terrestrial Cable) license holder, Fiber@Home Global Ltd based in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Presently coordinating with the major ILD & Tier-1 operators for establishing the International links and POPs in different part of the world is his major role. He is also involved in so many NOGs and International community driven organizations like bdNOG, SANOG, INNOG helping to improve the technical knowledge of the local community as an instructor.

Flavio Luciani was born in Roma in 1981 and took his Master Degree in Computer Engineering from Roma 3 University in 2006. He has been working with Namex since 2008 and since then he has supervised the technical and infrastructural development of the exchange point, firstly as a member of the technical staff and then, starting from March 2020, serving as Chief Technology Officer.
2020 Policy Ambassador

Sanjeev Gupta first heard of Routing in the late 80s, and believed that *every* single router contacted *every* other router every 30 seconds. Having seen only small implementations of the Internet, he believed it was true. And the idea of security never entered his mind.Since that time, he has learnt the hard way what happens when people announce routes to Google. Trying to figure out why traffic for your network is going to a small Vietnam ISP via a European Tier 1, when you have no relationship with either, is frustrating at best. He has white hair, now, and is based in Singapore. He used to push IPv6 deployment, but that is over and done with, thankfully. One day, he will look back on RPKI similarly.