2022 MANRS Ambassadors

Simon Sohel Baroi is a passionate Network Engineer and working at Fiber@Home Global since 2017 based in Bangladesh. He is looking after the network design, capacity planning, upstream & peering coordination and troubleshooting of the global side of the network. Some of the largest fiber based Open-Access-Network of the country network was designed by him. Beside his day job, he is also a Community Trainer of APNIC and very active in all local and international NOGs, RIR and Operational Community Chapters.

Musa Stephen Honlue is an Internet citizen/enthusiast with the aim of making the Internet more reliable and secure for the digital growth of people and countries. He plays multiple roles in the global Internet community. He has been serving AFRINIC since 2015 as Trainer, Certification Product Manager and recently as Project Manager and Transformation Lead. He has also participated in many projects with ISOC, including but not limited to, Online Instructor, MANRS Fellow, IETF Fellow, Course reviewer. He has volunteered with many NOG like AFNOG, CMNOG, NGNOG, SDNOG to deliver training and tutorials. He is member of the technical team to setup and manage the MIXP(Mauritius Internet Exchange Point). He is since 2007 CISCO Instructor for CCNA, CCNA Security and ITE.

Massimo Candela is a Senior Software Engineer at the Global IP Network division of NTT Ltd., focused on developing applications to guide decisions and to facilitate day-to-day Internet operations. In the last 10 years, he created several open-source tools that are the go-to resources for network operators and researchers to monitor certain aspects of the Internet performance. Massimo was previously a member of the R&D department of the RIPE Network Coordination Centre. Currently he is contributing to the automation and monitoring of the NTT Global IP Network. Massimo has a Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering from the University of Pisa, Italy.

Romain Fontugne (Internet Initiative Japan (IIJ)) is a senior researcher at IIJ Research Lab, focusing on Internet measurements, traffic analysis, and routing. He is also a member of the WIDE project (MAWI working group) and an associate member of the Japanese-French Laboratory for Informatics (JFLI). Romain lectured at Waseda University from 2013 to 2020 and obtained a PhD. in Computer Science from NII/Sokendai University.

Tiago Felipe Gonçalves is Senior Network Engineer at Amsterdam Internet Exchange (AMS-IX) and Senior Network Development Engineering Consultant at IX.br (NIC.br). He has 21 years of professional experience in bsd/*nix, development, networking and security, but he started much earlier as an open source enthusiast for his ideal and philosophy.