Participant Info

  • Areas ServedID
  • ASNs150480

Implementation of MANRS Actions

  • Action 1: Prevent propagation of incorrect routing information If visitors to the Mutually Agreed Norms for Routing Security (MANRS) website are seeking information about the implementation of actions to enhance routing security, specifically with regards to RPKI, the website would likely provide guidance, resources, and best practices. Here's what visitors may find on the MANRS website regarding the implementation of RPKI:Guides and Documentation:MANRS may offer guides or documentation explaining the implementation steps for Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI). These materials could provide detailed instructions on how network operators can create Route Origin Authorizations (ROAs) and publish them in the RPKI repository. Best Practices:The website might highlight best practices for implementing RPKI in the context of routing security. This could include recommendations for managing cryptographic keys, configuring routers for RPKI validation, and dealing with potential issues. Educational Resources:MANRS may provide educational resources, such as webinars, videos, or infographics, to help network operators understand the importance of RPKI and how it contributes to improving the security of the global Internet routing system. Community Support:MANRS may foster a community of network operators and experts who can share their experiences with RPKI implementation. This could include forums, mailing lists, or other platforms for collaboration and knowledge exchange. Tools and Utilities:The website may offer or link to tools and utilities that facilitate the implementation of RPKI, such as software for creating and managing ROAs or tools for checking the validity of RPKI information. Monitoring and Reporting:MANRS may emphasize the importance of ongoing monitoring and reporting in the context of routing security. This could include recommendations for regularly checking the status of RPKI data and taking action in response to any anomalies. Global Initiatives:MANRS may provide information about global initiatives and collaborations aimed at promoting the adoption of routing security measures, including RPKI. This could include updates on the progress of RPKI deployment worldwide. Compliance and Recognition:The website may outline criteria for compliance with MANRS and provide information on how network operators can earn recognition for implementing routing security best practices, including RPKI. Visitors to the MANRS website can expect to find a comprehensive set of resources and support to guide them through the implementation of actions, such as RPKI, that contribute to the improvement of Internet routing security.
  • Action 2: Prevent traffic with spoofed source IP addresses If visitors to the Mutually Agreed Norms for Routing Security (MANRS) website are seeking information about the implementation of actions to prevent traffic with spoofed source IP addresses, particularly through the use of source address validation and anti-spoofing filtering, the website would likely provide guidance and resources on these topics. Here's what visitors may find on the MANRS website regarding the implementation of these actions:Guides on Source Address Validation:MANRS may offer guides or documentation explaining the concept and implementation of source address validation. This could include information on validating source IP addresses for single-homed stub customer networks, end-users, and infrastructure. Best Practices for Anti-Spoofing Filtering:The website might provide best practices for implementing anti-spoofing filtering to prevent packets with incorrect source IP addresses from entering and leaving the network. This could include recommendations for configuring routers and filtering rules. Technical Documentation:MANRS may provide technical documentation that outlines the steps network operators can take to implement source address vali
  • Action 3: Facilitate global operational communication and coordination If visitors to the Mutually Agreed Norms for Routing Security (MANRS) website are seeking information about the implementation of actions to facilitate global operational communication and coordination between network operators, particularly regarding maintaining up-to-date contact information, MANRS would likely provide guidance and resources on the following:Importance of Global Operational Communication:MANRS may emphasize the significance of global operational communication and coordination for the security and stability of the global Internet. Visitors would gain an understanding of why effective communication is crucial for incident response, network security, and overall operational resilience. Guidelines for Contact Information Management:MANRS would likely provide guidelines and best practices for network operators to maintain accurate and up-to-date contact information. This could include recommendations on where and how to publish this information in Internet Routing Registries (IRRs) and other relevant repositories. Participation in MANRS Initiatives:The website would likely encourage network operators to actively participate in MANRS initiatives, in
  • Action 4: Facilitate validation of routing information on a global scale If visitors to the Mutually Agreed Norms for Routing Security (MANRS) website are seeking information about the implementation of actions related to routing policy, ASNs, and prefixes intended for advertisement to external parties, MANRS would likely provide guidance and resources to help network operators adopt best practices. Here's what visitors may find on the MANRS website regarding the implementation of this action:Guidance on Documenting Routing Policy:MANRS may offer guidance on documenting a clear and comprehensive routing policy. This could include recommendations on how to describe ASNs, prefixes, and associated policies, as well as providing a template or examples to help operators structure their documentation effectively. Best Practices for ASN and Prefix Authorization:MANRS would likely provide best practices for authorizing the use of ASNs and IP prefixes in routing advertisements. This might include guidance on the definition of acceptable and unacceptable routing behavior and procedures for proper authorization. Industry Standards and Community Collaboration:The MANRS website may highlight the importance of aligning routing policies with industry

Why PT. Swara Logika Laboratory Supports MANRS