Participant Info

  • Areas ServedAR
  • ASNs264754

Implementation of MANRS Actions

  • Action 1: Prevent propagation of incorrect routing information How frequently are these filters updated?: Quarterly, if no new customers are added to the network. However, when a new customer is onboarded, we immediately review and update all prefix filters to ensure they comply with the authorized announcements.
  • Action 3: Facilitate global operational communication and coordination description: Our coordination efforts include constantly updating our information in RADB, PeeringDB, and WHOIS. This ensures that our data is always accurate and accessible to facilitate communication and operational coordination among network operators. We maintain these platforms up-to-date to promote transparency and collaboration in the global routing ecosystem. comments: Our implementation of Action 3 focuses on ensuring effective communication and coordination with other network operators. We keep our information up-to-date in RADB, PeeringDB, and WHOIS, promoting transparency and facilitating collaboration among operators. This allows for quick and efficient responses to operational issues and improves the integrity of the routing ecosystem.
  • Action 4: Facilitate validation of routing information on a global scale description: While we do not have a link available for our policies, we ensure that we effectively implement Action 4 of MANRS. This action focuses on maintaining strong security practices and educating our team about the importance of operational security in our network operations. We adopt a proactive approach to identifying and mitigating risks, contributing to the resilience and security of the routing ecosystem. comments: We would like visitors to the MANRS website to know that our implementation of Action 4 is a priority within our organization. We are committed to adopting robust security practices and continuously educating our team about the importance of operational security. These initiatives help us ensure a more secure and resilient network environment, benefiting the entire routing ecosystem.