The configuration snippets provided for conformance check only, they are not intended as the implementation guidance. Specific set of features depend on the specific platform that is being used. Not all the products may support these features.

Description for Scenarios


Scenario 1 Filtering

Network Operators

Action1. Prevent propagation of incorrect routing information

CDN & Cloud Providers

Scenario 2 Anti-spoofing

Network Operators

Action 2: Prevent traffic with spoofed source IP addresses

CDN & Cloud Providers

Action 2. Prevent traffic with illegitimate source IP addresses

Scenario 3 Filtering (IXP)


Action 1. Prevent propagation of incorrect routing information. (Route Server)

Scenario 4 Protect L2 (IXP)


Action 3. Protect the peering platform (layer 2)

Implementation of MANRS Action 1

Scenario 1 Filtering

Creating filters based on prefix lists:
OS/Product line: VRP8

//Defined the prefix lists named Filter_Prefix:
ip ip-prefix Filter_Prefix index 10 permit 8 greater-equal 8 less-equal 32
ip ip-prefix Filter_Prefix index 20 permit 8 greater-equal 8 less-equal 32
ip ip-prefix Filter_Prefix index 30 permit 12 greater-equal 12 less-equal 32
ip ip-prefix Filter_Prefix index 40 permit 16 greater-equal 16 less-equal 32
ip ip-prefix Filter_Prefix index 50 permit 4 greater-equal 4 less-equal 32

//Define the policy named BGP_Route_Filter:
route-policy BGP_Route_Filter deny node 10
     if-match Filter_Prefix
Creating filters based on as-path:
OS/Product line: VRP8

//Define as-path filters named Filtered_As_Path:
ip as-path-filter Filtered_As_Path index 10 permit ^6451[2-9]_
ip as-path-filter Filtered_As_Path index 20 permit ^645[2-9][0-9]_
ip as-path-filter Filtered_As_Path index 30 permit ^64[6-9][0-9][0-9]_
ip as-path-filter Filtered_As_Path index 40 permit ^65[0-9][0-9][0-9]_…

//Define the policy named BGP_AS_Path_Filter:
route-policy BGP_AS_Path_Filter deny node 10
  if-match as-path-filter Filtered_As_Path
Creating filters based on RPKI:
OS/Product line: VRP8

//Define the policy for different validation results with the policy name of Route_Validation if-match rpki origin-as-validation valid
apply local-preference 110
route-policy Route_Validation permit node 10
if-match rpki origin-as-validation not-found
apply local-preference 100
route-policy Route_Validation deny node 20
if-match rpki origin-as-validation invalid
Configuring BGP Filters: 
Configuring RPKI:

Scenario 2 Anti-spoofing

Creating filters based on prefix lists:
OS/Product line: VRP8

//Apply the URPF to interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
 undo shutdown
 ip address
 ip urpf strict allow-default
// In addition to strict mode, flow-based mode matching specified IP Prefix, BGP-peer-based mode  and loose mode can be supported.
Implementing source address validation using access lists:
OS/Product line: VRP8

//define  ACL and specify IP Prefix
acl number 2001
 rule 5 permit source

//Define the traffic classifier named as Spoofed_Source_IP and match acl
traffic classifier Spoofed_Source_IP operator or
  if-match acl 2001

//define traffic behavior named as Deny_Traffic
traffic behavior  Deny_Traffic

//define the traffic policy by combining the defined classifier and behavior
traffic policy Prevent_Spoofed_Source_IP
 classifier Spoofed_Source_IP behavior Deny_Traffic precedence 1

//Apply the traffic policy in the inbound direction of the interface 
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/0
 undo shutdown
 traffic-policy Prevent_Spoofed_Source_IP inbound
Configuring URPF:

Configuring Class-based QoS

Scenario 3 Filtering (IXP)

Creating filters based on prefix lists:
OS/Product line: VRP8

//Defined the prefix lists named Filter_Prefix:
ip ip-prefix Filter_Prefix index 10 permit 8 greater-equal 8 less-equal 32
ip ip-prefix Filter_Prefix index 20 permit 8 greater-equal 8 less-equal 32
ip ip-prefix Filter_Prefix index 30 permit 12 greater-equal 12 less-equal 32
ip ip-prefix Filter_Prefix index 40 permit 16 greater-equal 16 less-equal 32
ip ip-prefix Filter_Prefix index 50 permit 4 greater-equal 4 less-equal 32

//Define the policy named BGP_Route_Filter:
route-policy BGP_Route_Filter deny node 10
     if-match Filter_Prefix
Creating filters based on as-path:
OS/Product line: VRP8

//Define as-path filters named Filtered_As_Path:
ip as-path-filter Filtered_As_Path index 10 permit ^6451[2-9]_
ip as-path-filter Filtered_As_Path index 20 permit ^645[2-9][0-9]_
ip as-path-filter Filtered_As_Path index 30 permit ^64[6-9][0-9][0-9]_
ip as-path-filter Filtered_As_Path index 40 permit ^65[0-9][0-9][0-9]_…

//Define the policy named BGP_AS_Path_Filter:
route-policy BGP_AS_Path_Filter deny node 10
  if-match as-path-filter Filtered_As_Path
Creating filters based on RPKI:
OS/Product line: VRP8

//Define the policy for different validation results with the policy name of Route_Validation if-match rpki origin-as-validation valid
apply local-preference 110
route-policy Route_Validation permit node 10
if-match rpki origin-as-validation not-found
apply local-preference 100
route-policy Route_Validation deny node 20
if-match rpki origin-as-validation invalid
Configuring the Route Server function:

Configuring BGP Filters: 

Configuring RPKI:

Scenario 4 Protect L2 (IXP)

Creating controls preventing unwanted traffic:
acl number 4999
  rule deny source-mac H-H-H f-f-f
  rule  deny destination-mac H-H-H f-f-f
  rule  deny type ARP
  rule  permit type 0x0800
  rule  permit type 0x86DD   //IPV6
  rule  permit type 0x8809   //LACP
  rule  deny 8021p 3

acl number 3999
  rule deny udp destination-port bootps
  rule deny udp destination-port bootpc
  rule deny udp source-port bootpc
  rule deny udp source-port dns
  rule deny udp source-port ntp
  rule deny udp source-port rip
  rule deny udp source-port tftp
  rule deny icmp source 0 destination 0
ACL Configuration:

Implementation of MANRS Action 2

Describe your implementation of Action 2-1:

Action 2-1 status: Planned

Describe your implementation of Action 2-2:

Action 2-1 status: Planned

Describe your implementation of Action 2-3:

Action 2-1 status: Implemented

Describe your implementation of Action 2-4:

Action 2-1 status: Planned

Why Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Supports MANRS