Year to Year Growth of the distributed RPKI database
[Editor’s Note: This information was first published to the RIPE Routing Working Group mailing list.] A straightforward method to compare 2023 and 2024 is to look at the absolute numbers.

The White House’s Roadmap to Enhancing Routing Security
Last week the White House’s Office of the National Cyber Director released the White House’s Roadmap to Enhancing Routing Security. This is another important step to strengthening the Internet’s routing system…

Survey: NRO Soliciting Feedback on RPKI Implementation
The MANRS team is sharing this message from the NRO RPKI Program Manager, Sofia Silva Berenguer, to help gather feedback from network operators responsible for IP space allocated by multiple…
Cooking Up Secure Routes with ROAST
MANRS has always had the ambitious goal to improve the state of routing security for everyone, and a large part of that is clearly depicting which organizations and network operators…

Explainer: About Routing Security
This post is part of our MANRS Basics series. It is intended for non-experts who are interested in learning more about routing security terms with reasonably simple explanations.

The US Makes a Big Step Toward Better Routing Security
[This is a guest post by Ryan Polk, Director, Internet Policy, at the Internet Society. It was originally published at https://www.internetsociety.org/blog/2024/05/the-us-makes-a-big-step-toward-better-routing-security/.] Governments should set the standard…
Coordination Key to Largest RPKI Deployment
Learn the reasons why AWS deployed RPKI and what other networks can learn from its process.
Verisign’s Path to RPKI
Verisign shares its ongoing journey toward RPKI adoption and the lessons it's learned as an operator of critical Internet infrastructure.
Estimating the Timeline for ASPA Deployment
When is it likely that Autonomous System Provider Authorization (ASPA) will be widely adopted as part of Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI)?…