Lesson Learned: Twitter Shored Up Its Routing Security
With so many eyes on networks and traffic flows around Ukraine and Russia, any misleading announcement is quickly investigated. That’s what happened yesterday, when AS8342 (RTComm) started announcing, a…
Did Ukraine suffer a BGP hijack and how can networks protect themselves?
On 15 February 2022, several high-level Ukrainian services including the Ministry of Defence and two large national banks were targeted with DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attacks. Financial services were…
The Routing Game: Hunting Invalid Routes
By Romain Fontugne, MANRS Fellow and Senior Researcher at Internet Initiative Japan (IIJ) Research Lab In the past few years we have seen a substantial increase in the number of…
MANRS Task Force Develops New Guidelines for Managing ROAs
By Somesh Chaturmohta and Ali Monfared, Microsoft Networking Today, we are happy to see the Mutually Agreed Norms for Routing Security (MANRS) community coming together to propose a set of…
Feedback Requested: Avoiding Commons Pitfalls in Managing ROAs
A MANRS task force has developed a set of recommendations to help increase the resilience and security of Route Origin Authorization (ROA). We would love to have your feedback.
RPKI Week Opens with ROA Contest
This week is RPKI Week! To boost adoption of Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) during the event, we are running a contest to encourage network operators to add Route…