Explainer: US Government Activity and BGP Security
This post is part of our MANRS Basics series. It is intended for non-experts who are interested in learning more about routing security terms and events with reasonably simple explanations.

Explainer: About Routing Security
This post is part of our MANRS Basics series. It is intended for non-experts who are interested in learning more about routing security terms with reasonably simple explanations.
A First Look at Suspicious IRR Records
The Internet Routing Registry (IRR) is a set of distributed databases used by networks to register routing policy information and to validate messages received in the Border Gateway…

Register Now for the 2023 Routing Security Summit
Registration is now open for three virtual tutorials happening between 17-20 July.

Mastering Routing Security at APRICOT 2021
One of the biggest events of the year is APRICOT, the annual Asia Pacific Regional Internet Conference on Operational Technologies. This year, it offers online technical training from February 22…
New tool helps answer: Which RPKI-related RFCs should I read?
By Alfred Arouna, MANRS Fellow (2020 cohort) Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) is the way to cryptographically sign records that associate a Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) route announcement with the…

Introducing the MANRS Ambassador Program 2021
The MANRS (Mutually Agreed Norms for Routing Security) Ambassador Program 2021 is now accepting applications. If you are an industry leader eager to improve the well-being of the Internet’s global…
IXP peering platform: an environment to take care of
By Flavio Luciani, MANRS ambassador, and Carmen Denis Polanco, MANRS fellow Internet Exchange Points (IXPs) are delicate infrastructure and play an important role in the Internet ecosystem. They are strategic…
Partnering with NSRC on MANRS & Routing Security Training
One of the biggest hurdles to routing security is getting the right information to the right people at the right time. We offer implementation guides, tutorials, hands-on…