The Challenges of RPKI-ROA Diffusion in Research and Education
Steve Wallace’s keynote address at ARIN 52 shed light on the challenges and barriers faced by the U.S. R&E community in adopting RPKI and creating ROAs.
MANRS Observatory Updates to Provide 3.5 Times More RPKI Data
The MANRS Observatory has expanded to check all prefixes registered to an ASN, whether they are routed or not. This has increased daily RPKI measurements from just over 1 million…

Reflecting on the Value of MANRS
The brand that we, as a community, have developed is strong and will go a long way in our efforts to encourage new networks to participate in the program.
Introducing ROAST Data for the MANRS Observatory
ROAST is a public tool that provides data about ROA objects and their validation.
Will 2023 be the Year Half of the Internet is RPKI-Enabled?
While the Internet may not be growing as quickly as it once was, the threat to the whole routing fabric is.
The Routing Game: Hunting Invalid Routes
By Romain Fontugne, MANRS Fellow and Senior Researcher at Internet Initiative Japan (IIJ) Research Lab In the past few years we have seen a substantial increase in the number of…
MANRS Task Force Develops New Guidelines for Managing ROAs
By Somesh Chaturmohta and Ali Monfared, Microsoft Networking Today, we are happy to see the Mutually Agreed Norms for Routing Security (MANRS) community coming together to propose a set of…